DorPIP Safeguarding Policy

We will endeavor to provide a safe and caring environment where every child and parent is valued and respected.

DorPIP is dedicated to promoting the wellbeing and healthy development of infants and their parents through therapeutic interventions. Central to our mission is the safety and protection of all participants, particularly vulnerable infants and parents. This safeguarding policy outlines our commitment to creating a safe environment and promoting good practices within our organisation. This policy applies to all members of staff, volunteers, contractors, trustees, and anyone affiliated with DorPIP. It covers all activities, services and interactions involving infants and their parents. 

DorPIP will appoint a trained safeguarding officer responsible for receiving and responding to safeguarding concerns. DorPIP’s Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) is Vivian Allen – 07813 989707 

The welfare and best interests of the infant will be the paramount consideration in all decisions and actions. All individuals will be treated with respect, dignity and sensitivity to their cultural backgrounds, beliefs and individual needs. DorPIP encourages open communication among all stakeholders to address safeguarding concerns promptly and effectively. We are committed to preventing harm by promoting a safe environment and robust procedures. Parents will be empowered to actively participate in decisions concerning their infant's care and development. Information regarding safeguarding concerns will be handled confidentially, with disclosures made only to appropriate individuals or authorities as required by law. 


Recruitment and Training 

All member of staff and volunteers involved in direct work with infants and parents will undergo appropriate screening checks in accordance with relevant legislation. All relevant individuals will receive comprehensive training on safeguarding policies, procedures and recognising signs of abuse or neglect. DorPIP will cooperate fully with external authorities, such as child protective services and law enforcement, when a safeguarding concern requires their involvement. 

Code of Conduct 

Members of staff and volunteers will maintain professional boundaries with infants and parents, ensuring interactions are respectful and appropriate. Anyone raising safeguarding concerns will be protected against retaliation or victimisation. Members of staff and volunteers will receive regular supervision and support to ensure their wellbeing and adherence to safeguarding policies. 

Record Keeping 

Accurate and secure records will be maintained for all safeguarding concerns, actions taken and communications related to incidents. 


Safeguarding Procedure 

If the concern involves immediate risk to the safety or wellbeing of an infant or parent, contact emergency services and appropriate local authorities immediately: 

  • Emergency Services: 999 

  • Dorset Children’s Social Care: 01305 221000 

  • Bournemouth Children’s Social Care: 01202 458102 

  • Poole Children’s Social Care: 01202 735046 

  • DORSET - Children's Advice and Duty Service (ChAD) 

  • Name: Single point of contact for safeguarding concerns 
    Tel: 01305 228866 


Non-Emergency Concerns 

For non-emergency concerns, proceed as follows: 

  • Write down the details of the concern, including dates, times, locations, individuals involved and any relevant information, using the DorPIP Safeguarding Concern Form 

  •  Contact the DSO as soon as possible to share the concern. If the DSO is unavailable, report the concern to the next available senior staff member. 

  • Limit discussions about the concern to those directly involved in addressing it. Avoid sharing details with individuals who are not part of the safeguarding process. 


Designated Safeguarding Officer's Responsibilities 

Upon receiving a safeguarding concern, the DSO will: 

  • Acknowledge receipt of the concern. 

  • Gather additional information if necessary. 

  • Decide on an appropriate course of action, which may include conducting an internal investigation, involving external authorities or seeking expert advice. 


Decision Making 

The DSO will make decisions based on the severity and nature of the concern, following the principles outlined in the Safeguarding Policy. 


Maintaining Records 

The DSO will ensure that accurate and detailed records are maintained regarding the concern, actions taken, communications and outcomes. 


Reporting to Authorities 

If the concern involves potential criminal behaviour, significant harm or abuse, the DSO will report it to the relevant external authorities, such as child protective services or law enforcement, as required by law. 


Communicating with Stakeholders 

The DSO will communicate with relevant stakeholders, including parents and guardians, throughout the process while maintaining confidentiality and sensitivity. 


Investigation and Response 

If necessary, DorPIP may conduct an internal investigation to gather additional information and assess the concern's validity. This investigation will be carried out discreetly and professionally, involving only individuals directly involved in the process. If external authorities are involved, DorPIP will cooperate fully with their inquiries, providing requested information and support. 


Support for Affected Parties 

DorPIP will ensure that appropriate support is provided to affected infants and parents. This may include referrals to relevant services, counselling or therapeutic interventions. Staff and volunteers involved in safeguarding concerns will receive appropriate support, including debriefing and access to counselling services if needed. 


Review and Monitoring 

DorPIP will review safeguarding procedures and cases regularly to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with legal requirements and best practices. Lessons learned from safeguarding incidents will be used to enhance policies, procedures, and training programs. 


Record Keeping 

Maintenance of Records  

All safeguarding concerns, actions taken, communications and outcomes will be accurately documented and securely stored. Records will be retained in accordance with legal requirements and organisational policies. 


Training and Awareness 

DorPIP will provide comprehensive training to all staff, volunteers and individuals involved in direct work with infants and parents. This training will cover recognising signs of abuse, reporting procedures and adherence to the Safeguarding Policy. 


Incident Reporting Flowchart 



Identify safeguarding concern  

If the concern involves immediate risk to the safety or wellbeing of an infant or parent, contact emergency services and appropriate local authorities immediately: 

  • Emergency Services: 999 

  • Dorset Children’s Social Care: 01305 221000 

  • Bournemouth Children’s Social Care: 01202 458102 

  • Poole Children’s Social Care: 01202 735046 

  • DORSET - Children's Advice and Duty Service (ChAD) 

  • Name: Single point of contact for safeguarding concerns 
    Tel: 01305 228866 



Document safeguarding concern using DorPIP Safeguarding Report Form 

Upon identifying a serious incident, personnel must complete the DorPIP Safeguarding Report Form as soon as reasonably possible, no later than 24 hours after the safeguarding incident is discovered. Information provided in the DorPIP Safeguarding Report Form must be treated with strict confidentiality and in compliance with data protection laws.   



Report safeguarding concern to Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) as soon as reasonably possible 

DorPIP’s Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) is Vivian Allen – 07813 989707  

Best practice is to send the DSO the completed DorPIP Safeguarding Report Form.  


DSO to escalate as necessary 

DSO will acknowledge receipt of concern, gather additional information and decide on course of action, reporting to relevant authorities if necessary. 


 Reviewed by Board of Trustees: September 2023 

Next review date: September 2024 

Approved by DSO -